VR Streamer


New server version 1.2.1-New head tracking mode, mouse DirectInput.-New capture mode, desktop level, may help for some games that where not being captured.-Download it from www.swatterco.comVR Streamer streams PC games to your phone and provides head tracking data back to the game on your PC.
Please try the demo version before purchasing this app.
What you need to get started:- VR Streamer phone app and VR Streamer server app.- A Windows PC.- A recent mobile phone running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or later.- VR head mount like Google Cardboard or one of the many other versions available.
How it works:- Start the server app on your PC.- Connect the server app to the phone app via wifi or USB cable.- Load a game on your PC and it will be streamed to your phone.
ConnectionsVR Streamer supports TCP (Wifi), USB Tethering and USB Debugging connections.Display OptionsAdjustable display quality settingForce stereoscopic mode for games that don't natively support VRHead TrackingMouse, FreeTrack protocol and FreePIE application supportVia FreePIE, head tracking data provided by the server app can be used to emulate Keyboards, Joysticks, TrackIR and many more hardware input devices.From more information and to download the VR Streamer Server application please visit http://www.swatterco.com